Energy Healing
1-1 care for you
Through Energy healing sessions, Kathie supports clients on a path toward peace and self-love. Sessions are highly intuitive. They’re a co-creation of years of training and what the client is seeking. Sessions play on the intersection of spirit, mind, body, breath, and energy.
Sessions may include:
balancing chakra energy
working with angels and guides
removing blocks
connecting to inner guidance
cultivating a sense of peace
intuitive insights
What is a session like?
Typically a session begins with the client sharing what’s going on. Then the client will usually lay on a massage table and Kathie works with the energy flow and chakra balance. After the energy healing, clients often feel more centered and peaceful. Kathie often supports clients with tools that help to integrate the healing and create lasting change.
Accessible & Empowering
Kathie has a very special gift. She has helped me work through many life challenges over the past 10+ years. Having the ability and talent to tune in over the phone to what was troubling me and causing anxiety and pain has been remarkable. She is extremely accesible, has a way of guiding people toward their own intuition about how to process and create action around everyday/traumatic situations. I am grateful to have her in my life as a superb practitioner.
— Jenn
Heals with Love & Compassion
I have come to think of Kathie as my healer. The work that Kathie does comes from her heart and she does it with immense love and compassion. Kathie creates a sacred space for healing like no other I have experienced and I believe we have been called to work together. I feel unquestionably safe with Kathie. She gives me the time and space to do the work I need to do in order to heal in my own way. Kathie has been a guide to me along my healing journey, one who had helped me to overcome obstacles that seemed impossible. Kathie is an amazing and gifted healer!
Long-Lasting Healing
In 2011 I was scheduled to travel to New Mexico for business, grieving my mother passing and dealing with diverticulitis, I was fearful of having a flare up while on my trip. Thank you Kathie, Intuitive Healer/Herbal Medicine Women, for who you are and what you do. The herbal tea blend you made for me, and the healing sessions worked and continue to work, I have not had any problems with my diverticulitis since 2011.
—Victoria Lucast
Here’s a sample session.
Kathie McMonagle is trained in Healing Touch and is a Reiki Master. She intuitively uses energy based therapeutic approaches to health and healing in order to restore a healthy, free flowing energy system. This restores harmony and balance to a client's physical, emotional, mental and spiritual states of well being thereby placing the client in a condition to self heal.
In-Person Sessions
2525 Skillman Ave E
N. St Paul, MN 55109
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
10 am–5 pm
Wednesday 1 pm-7 pm
Saturday 10 am-2 pm
(612) 327-2425
Kathie’s Training
Healing Touch
Healing Touch is a form of bioenergy therapy that uses the hands to balance, restore and energize the human energy field. The ultimate goal of Healing Touch is to help the client improve their health and wellness.
Healing Touch may help with most forms of disease and dysfunction. Research, so far, has shown that it may specifically help when a person is dealing with: allergies, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, cancer, cardio-vascular disease, chronic fatigue, depression, detoxification, edema, endocrine and immune function, fever, gastrointestinal upset, headaches, hypertension, infections, insomnia, labor, muscle tension, pain, PMS, with a release of negative emotions, stress, surgery and wound healing.
Healing Touch is extremely beneficial because it is effective, integrative, is never contraindicated, is cost effective, is non invasive and can be done in any setting. Healing Touch should also be regarded as an extraordinary mode of preventative health.
Hypnosis can be used to help you attain results in almost any endeavor. It is used for: addiction, anxiety, concentration, depression, hypertension, negative habits, pain control, phobias, pregnancy and delivery, relaxation, self-improvement, stress, Hypnosis may be used as a stand-alone modality or it may be used in conjunction with other therapies.
According to the University of Minnesota’s Center For Spirituality and Healing there is empirical research that says that the following conditions have been shown to improve with the use of hypnosis. “Anesthesia during surgery, anxiety related to dental and medical procedures, asthma, post-operative pain in pediatric, Obstetrics/Gynecology, post-operative and post-chemotherapy nausea, and vomiting and warts.” MayoClinic.com adds that it can be used to help the following conditions:
Reduce or eliminate fears, stress and anxiety
Treat pain during childbirth and reduce labor time
Control pain during dental and surgical procedures
Relieve symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Lower blood pressure
Control nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy
Reduce the intensity or frequency of headaches, including migraines
Treat and ease the symptoms of asthma
Hasten the healing of some skin diseases, including warts, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis
Change negative behaviors, such as smoking, bed-wetting and overeating
Hypnosis is 100% natural. So there are very few contraindications for its use.
“In view of their (medicinal herbs) preventive benefits and potential lack of toxicity when properly used, I view these botanical as the medicines of the 21st century and predict they will ultimately be used for the prevention and treatment of may modern chronic disease of aging.” David Herber, MD
This is included here as an attempt to provide you with information regarding the use of herbs. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or dysfunction. Before a person starts the use of any herbs they should consult a health care professional.
Medicinal herbs have been used for thousands of years and have stood the test of time. The World Health Organization even states that that herbal therapies do not have to be subjected to rigorous, scientific studies to be deemed as a viable form of medicine. However there have many scientific, double blind studies. The German Commission E is a very good standard to go by. Another excellent source to check on the efficacy of medicinal herbs is the PDR for Herbal Medicines.Part of the problem with the scientific study of herbs is that they take one constituent out of the plant and test that but using the whole plant has a totally different effect.
Kathie, as an Herbologist believes:
How Herbs Work
Herbs work to treat the whole person.
Works to use herbs as a preventative and that diet, exercise and the community have an effect on the person as well as the herbs.
An herbologist does not attempt to treat just the symptoms they are presented with but the root cause of the dysfunction.
Herbs can improve vitality and/or energy.
Most herbologists work to detoxify the body, its organs, even individual cells.
Herbalists work to get the body back into balance.
Herbs are best when used as preventive medicine.
Usually they are safe but can be harmful or even fatal if not used properly in the correct quantities.
Herbs can work well with allopathic medicine.
A person taking herbs should plan for improvement over the long haul.

I am very grateful to Kathie McMonagle for the
path she has chosen and the work that she is doing. Two months ago, while preparing for a trip to New Mexico, I had about with Diverticulitis. Normally
I would end up in the hospital with IV's and heavy amounts of drugs. Kathie prepared an acute and a
chronic herbal formula for me to take. I avoided a hospital visit, the pain and discomfort subsided, and I arrived in New Mexico without any worry, pain,
or discomfort.
— Victoria Lucas